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Muscle relaxant in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2020-11-27Updated:2020-11-27
Similar words: relaxantrelaxationmusclevasorelaxationrelaxation timemuscle toneeye musclemusclemanMeaning: n. a drug that reduces muscle contractility by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses or by decreasing the excitability of the motor end plate or by other actions. 
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1, Meprobamate may be used as a muscle relaxant.
2, Another experiment creates a muscle relaxant.
3, Muscle relaxant, you'll need it.
4, A doctor may prescribe a suitable muscle relaxant and he will check to ensure that there are no underlying problems causing the cramps.
5, OBJECTIVE:To investigate the postoperative duration of residual muscle relaxant effect of vecuronium bromide and to explore the measures for its safe use.
6, Objective. To investigate the effect of muscle relaxant for muscle blood flow at the trunk muscle in patients with chronic low back pain (LBP).
7, Chapter 22 - Does the Choice of Muscle Relaxant Affect Outcome?
8, To investigate the effect of muscle relaxant on vital sign and the dosage of anesthetic during modified radical mastectomy in patients with laryngeal mask airway.
9, He subsequently discontinued the muscle relaxant before his next cataract surgery and did not manifest IFIS in the second eye.
10, For example, a certain kind of muscle relaxant for anesthesia will make certain kind of people choke. Finally, scientists found it was because they had certain kind of genes.
11, Before ECT is administered, a patient takes a muscle relaxant and is put under brief anesthesia.
12, It is also considered a muscle relaxant and analgesic .
13, Acting on neuromuscular junction, muscle relaxant can block excitation conduction from nerve to muscle, thus relaxing the muscle.
14, They injected him with a muscle relaxant, suffocated him and then smoothed away any signs of struggle, reattaching the hotel door chain as they left the room, investigators say.
15, Objective To compare the values of muscle relaxant ED50 determined by using traction test and righting reflex test.
16, Conclusions:There will be a high risk of morbidity in PORC after tracheal extubation under the guidance of clinical judgment only, no matter the kind of non-depolarizing muscle relaxant are used.
17, Conclusion Penehyclidine hydrochloride is a better premedicant choice for patients under general anesthesia induced by nondepolarizing muscle relaxant Atracurium.
18, A banana is like a natural sleeping pill. Besides containing melatonin and serotonin in small quantities, a banana also contains Magnesium, material that can stimulate muscle relaxant.
19, Besides containing melatonin and serotonin in small quantities, a banana also contains Magnesium, material that can stimulate muscle relaxant.
20, Objective: To explore the recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring requirements under inhalation anesthesia to reduce muscle relaxant vecuronium dose is feasible.
21, When an overweight friend injured her back, the doctor prescribed a muscle relaxant and exercises.
22, Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.
23, Methods Kunming mice were set to take traction test and righting reflex test individually to determine the ED50 of the muscle relaxant vercuronium.
24, For the past year, Andrew has been taking varying doses of antidepressants,( relaxant.html) trimipramine and the muscle relaxant clonazepam.
25, Objective:To study the clinical values of sedative anesthesia and muscle relaxant combined with mechanical ventilation in salving severe asthma.
26, One man in the study group had discontinued tamsulosin 6 months before surgery and was taking a muscle relaxant at the time of surgery.
27, Mate also contains caffeine; xanthine alkaloids (including a mood elevator and muscle relaxant found in chocolate).
28, If there is some question about the difficulty of intubation, it can be attempted while the patient is breathing spontaneously, without giving a muscle relaxant.
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